General coordinator of the forum / multipurpose mission President of the FTE Associ...More

General coordinator of the forum / multipurpose mission
President of the FTE Association.
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Sousse / University of Sousse
Organizing committee coordinator / multipurpose mission Assistant Treasurer of the ...More

Organizing committee coordinator / multipurpose mission
Assistant Treasurer of the FTE Association.
Higher Institute of Sfax Biotechnology / University of Sfax
-Organizing committee coordinator / multipurpose mission -General Secretary of the ...More

-Organizing committee coordinator / multipurpose mission
-General Secretary of the FTE Association.
-Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Sousse / University of Sousse
Coordinator of the organizing committee of the forum and the symposium on employabi...More

Coordinator of the organizing committee of the forum and the symposium on employability
Assistant Secretary of the FTE Association.
Higher Institute of Sfax Biotechnology / University of Sfax
Co-coordinator of the organizing committee of the symposium on employability Nation...More

Co-coordinator of the organizing committee of the symposium on employability
National School of Electronics and Telecommunications of Sfax / University of Sfax
Co-coordinator of the organizing committee of the symposium on employability Nation...More

Co-coordinator of the organizing committee of the symposium on employability
National School of Engineers of Sfax / University of Sfax
Monitoring committee coordinator – supervision of the participation of doctoral s...More

Monitoring committee coordinator – supervision of the participation of doctoral students and students of the University of Sfax
Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax / University of Sfax
Monitoring committee coordinator – supervision of the participation of doctoral s...More

Monitoring committee coordinator – supervision of the participation of doctoral students and students of the University of Tunis El Manar
President of the PAQ Project. National School of Engineers of Tunis / University of Tunis El Manar
Co-coordinator monitoring committee – supervision of the participation of doc...More

Co-coordinator monitoring committee - supervision of the participation of doctoral students and students of the University of Tunis El Manar
Head of the Department of Physics / Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of El Manar/ University of Tunis El Manar.
Member of the FTE Association.
Monitoring committeecoordinator – supervision of the participation of doctoral st...More

Monitoring committeecoordinator – supervision of the participation of doctoral students and students of the University of Sousse
Vice President of the University of Sousse
Monitoring and logistics committee coordinator / Faculty of Medicine of Sousse / Un...More

Monitoring and logistics committee coordinator / Faculty of Medicine of Sousse / University of Sousse
Treasurer of the Association of Teachers of the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse / University of Sousse
Co-coordinator monitoring and logistics committee / Faculty of Medicine of Sousse /...More

Co-coordinator monitoring and logistics committee / Faculty of Medicine of Sousse / University of Sousse
Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse / University of Sousse
Head of the Logistics and Premises Committee / Faculty of Medicine of Sousse/ Unive...More

Head of the Logistics and Premises Committee / Faculty of Medicine of Sousse/ University of Sousse
General Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse
DCEM1 students’ delegate at the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse

DCEM1 students’ delegate at the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse
Sponsor Committee Coordinator. Partnership with entrepreneurship. President of the ...More

Sponsor Committee Coordinator.
Partnership with entrepreneurship.
President of the Canadian-Tunisian Chamber of Commerce
Head of the speaker follow-up committee and non-speaker participants committee Trea...More

Head of the speaker follow-up committee and non-speaker participants committee
Treasurer of the Association FTE - Tunisia
Co-responsible of the Committee for monitoring non-lecturers and Tunisian speakers ...More

Co-responsible of the Committee for monitoring non-lecturers and Tunisian speakers
Member of the FTE Association - Tunisia
Co-responsible of the Committee for monitoring lecturers Member of the FTE Associat...More

Co-responsible of the Committee for monitoring lecturers
Member of the FTE Association - Tunisia
Head of the hospitality, sponsor, and logistics committee Member of the FTE Associa...More

Head of the hospitality, sponsor, and logistics committee
Member of the FTE Association
Premises and equipment manager Faculty of Medecine of Sousse

Premises and equipment manager
Faculty of Medecine of Sousse
Website sub-committee follow-up Faculty of Sciences of Sfax

Website sub-committee follow-up
Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
Website sub-committee follow-up Faculty of Sciences of Sfax

Website sub-committee follow-up
Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
Website sub-committee follow-up Faculty of Sciences of Sfax

Website sub-committee follow-up
Faculty of Sciences of Sfax