Track description


Since education represents a crucial social issue, its management mobilizes considerable human and material resources to guarantee quality education. To achieve this end, teacher training is a priority. In this regard, governance responsibilities and practices fall under both government authorities and teacher training institutions. How is teacher training managed? What are the roles of decision-makers at national, regional, and local levels? What are the governance practices in universities and other teacher training institutions? What are the effects on the conditions of exercise of the teaching profession, on professional integration, and professionalization? What are the roles (actual or desired) of citizens in the management of education?

This theme aims for collective reflection on the issues and challenges of managing education and teacher training. It could lead to new initiatives in various educational environments.

Track Themes

  • Teacher recruitment policies;
  • The political and financial management of teacher training;
  • The management of professional integration and the roles of decision-makers;
  • Expectations and roles of citizens within decision-making bodies in education;
  • Expectations of researchers regarding the management of teacher training;
  • The impacts of educational management on the conditions of exercise of the teaching
    profession and particularly on professional integration;
  • The impacts of educational management on the school career and the success of learners.