Tunisian Forum Association for Education (Tax number 1754361/X)

To foster an educational and university model that serves the well-being and development objectives.

To create a local, regional, and national dynamic.

The founders: Mrs. Imane Jarboui (University of Sousse / Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Sousse), Mr. Makram Hamouda (University of Tunis EL Manar / Faculty of Sciences of Tunis / Mathematics Department), Ibrahim Jrad (University of Sousse / Faculty Letters and Human Sciences of Sousse)

Who are We?

The Tunisian Forum Association for Education- FTE association aims to be a gathering structure for all the actors who work for quality education in Tunisia and who care about the progress of Tunisian pupils and students.

Goals :

1-Improve the quality and efficiency of education and training systems in Tunisian schools and universities: training of teachers and educational managers.

2- secure the paths of pupils and students by strengthening basic skills and ensuring the transfer of innovative practices and learning methods developed in Europe, Asia, and North America to improve the Tunisian education system.

3-Enable the Tunisian education system to attain higher levels of performance comparable to the average of OECD countries, particularly regarding the PISA program (“Program for International Student Assessment”).

4- Reduce educational and university inequalities and facilitate access for all to a quality education and training system: open education and training environment, more attractive education and training, active citizenship – equal opportunities – cohesion social)

5-Promote regional educational policy and governance by making regions prosperous educational zones (Think globally, act locally)

6-Promote the role that universities must play in their social environment and encourage Tunisian researchers, teachers, and students, including Tunisian researchers abroad, to be agents of change and to become aware of the impact that they can have on the quality of life of communities, but also the development of future generations.

8-Being an actor in the debates in the development of educational and scientific policies in Tunisia: A committed actor, the FTE association wishes to contribute to the evolution of public educational and scientific policies by mobilizing its skills, experience, and knowledge. of the sector to make proposals and advance projects

09-Develop a competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy and -make this economy an engine of sustainable growth accompanied by a quantitative and qualitative improvement in employment and greater social cohesion.

10-Facilitate the education and training integration with the global community by fostering connections with the world of work and research, promoting entrepreneurship, enhancing foreign language instruction, encouraging mobility and exchanges, and engaging the Tunisian diaspora in international cooperation efforts.

11- Encourage continuous professional training and the advancement of stakeholders within the education and university sectors.

12-Advocate for the promotion of vocational education and early childhood education.

13- Promote and carry out any action favoring the employability of unemployed graduates

14-Generalize the dissemination and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in schools, colleges, high schools, and universities.


The Tunisian Forum for Education (FTE) upholds the following values :

Social responsibility

FTE recognizes the significant roles of academics, teachers, and students in their communities. Encouraging them to be agents of positive change and acknowledging their potential impact on the quality of life for communities and the development of future generations.


The transfer and sharing of knowledge and expertise among researchers and students contribute to improving social, environmental, and economic conditions.

Democratization of science and knowledge

FTE believes that knowledge is a common good that should not only be accessible but shared to foster social progress and address societal challenges in Tunisia.

Social diversity, equality, mutual aid, and ethics

FTE embraces an inclusive vision of coexistence based on promoting social and regional diversity, mutual aid, and ethical values. It acknowledges the importance of harmonious coexistence among people from various social, cultural, and generational backgrounds, striving to share common values and promote education and scientific culture in the country.

The FTE’s approach involves a well-defined methodology to achieve its mission:

In the short and medium term:

  • Organizing events such as forums, symposia, workshops, and training sessions ;
  • Providing pedagogical training to enhance the qualifications and skills of education professionals and volunteers, with the aim of improving their interventions. These trainings aim to broaden their expertise in new areas while deepening their ability to address the social realities and needs of post-revolutionary Tunisia ;
  • Promoting citizen science by establishing science shops in high schools, universities, and research centers ;
  • Facilitating collaborative projects between university scientists, community groups, and non-profit organizations, and centralizing information about these initiatives.

In the long term:

  • Establishing connections with international actors ;
  • Providing support, facilitation, and project monitoring ;
  • Conducting studies, surveys, and evaluations ;
  • Publishing collective works.

To effectively implement these actions, the FTE plans to:

  • Establish regional branches to expand the forum’s impact and strengthen its influence through a national and international network ;
  • Secure funding sources to ensure the execution of activities and enhance the FTE’s reputation. These funding sources may include subsidies, donations, subscriptions, and publications (such as reviews and articles).

Actions :

Historical summary of the activities of the FTE association

Period Addressed topic       Actions
Pedagogy at the university and teacher training
Organization of the 1st edition of the International Citizen Forum for Education at the Faculty of Medicine of Sfax, Tunisia
Governance and quality of educational systems
Organization of the 2nd edition of the International Citizen Forum for Education at the Lemdina Resorts, Hammamet, Tunisia
10-19 avril 2022
What education can: what the learner can
Organization of the Pre-forum, respectively, at the University of Tunis El Manar, the University of Sousse, and the University of Monastir
4-5-6 novembre 2022
The learner at the center of the education and university system
Organization of the 3rd edition of the International Citizen Forum for Education at the Lemdina Resorts, Hammamet, Tunisia
Avril 2024
The challenges of teacher training and their professional integration: comparative approaches
Organization of the 4th edition of the International Citizen Forum for Education at the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse, Tunisia



  1. “Governance and Quality of Education Systems: Challenges and Prospects for Change” – A collective work published by Edition Apis in Quebec.
  2. “Build Me the School of My Dreams!” – Summary report on the education system in Tunisia and rural areas.
  3. “Shaping Your Territory, It Starts Here…” – Report on the landscape resources as a first step toward rural and solidar tourism.

FTE office contacts

Imane Jarboui (President FTE / WhatsApp: +00216 54 146900),

Jrad Brahim (General Secretary / WhatsApp: +00216 97 803325),

Mariem Fourati (Treasurer / WhatsApp: +00216 20 076500).

Bank identity of the FTE Association