Brief presentation of the Ardhi Association

The Ardhi Association (Ardhi in Arabic = my land) was created in September 2012 and obtained its visa on July 8, 2014. This association was founded by Mrs. Jarboui Imane (University of Sousse / Faculty of Letters of Sousse), Mr. Mourad Djemal (civil society activist), and Mr. Makram Hamouda (University of Tunis El Manar/Faculty of Sciences Tunis department of maths).


The initiative encompasses four main intervention themes:

1. Rural Development: Focusing on agriculture, water resources, livestock, and related areas to uplift rural communities ;

2. Environment and Land Use Planning: Addressing environmental concerns and ensuring sustainable land utilization ;

3. Identity and Heritage, Rural Cultural Animation, and Rural Tourism: Promoting the preservation of cultural heritage, fostering rural cultural activities, and encouraging rural tourism ;

4. Education in the Rural World: Ardhi plays a key role as the local interlocutor for educational matters and is also involved in initiatives to promote local products.

Values and Goals

The Ardhi association is highly responsive to the dynamic shifts occurring in the agricultural and rural domains. Driven by the principles of solidarity and decision-making autonomy, Ardhi serves as a catalyst for innovative initiatives deeply rooted in local territories.

Ardhi’s pivotal role lies in demonstrating the feasibility of harmonizing environmental sustainability, economic prosperity, and employment generation. By successfully integrating these elements, the association showcases the potential for achieving both environmental performance and economic profitability.

Territory of action

Originating in the rural region of Sfax, the scope of Ardhi's activities encompasses not only the rural areas of Sfax but extends across all regions of Tunisia.


Ardhi adopts various modalities of intervention, which include:

Provision of Services to Structures or Communities: This involves conducting field studies, preparing reports, and offering valuable assistance to different organizations or communities ;

Internal Initiatives and Support for Project Leaders: Ardhi takes internal actions to promote its objectives and provides support to individual project leaders pursuing initiatives aligned with its mission.

Actions :

Historical summary of the activities of the FTE association

Period Addressed topic           Actions
2012-2014 Educational landscape of the
rural commune Sidi Abdallah.
Erriadh school reconstruction
(in ruins).
The current status of Ardhi’s
initiatives involves the
following key components:
1. Studies and Surveys:
Ardhi conducts in-
depth studies and
surveys to assess the
current state of
educational facilities
and infrastructure.
These studies provide
valuable insights into
the educational
landscape and help
identify areas of
2. Reports and
Solutions: Based on
the findings from
studies and surveys,
Ardhi prepares
reports that highlight
challenges and
propose viable
solutions. Thesereports serve as a
foundation for
effective strategies.
3. Technical and
Architectural Support:
Ardhi offers technical
and architectural
assistance to ensure
the construction of
educational facilities
that meet the
required standards
and best cater to the
needs of students and
4. Pedagogical Support
and Knowledge
Sharing: Ardhi
provides pedagogical
support to
institutions, fostering
the exchange of
foreign experiences
and best practices.
This knowledge
transfer enhances
methodologies and
promotes innovative
approaches to
Through a holistic approach
encompassing studies,
reports, technical support,
and pedagogical assistance,
Ardhi endeavors to drive
positive changes in the
educational landscape,
ultimately benefiting the
communities it serves.
2013-2014 Education As part of the presentation

for a college construction
project, Ardhi seeks support
from the municipality, which
includes the following
1. Inventory Study:
Ardhi conducts an
inventory study to
assess the current
educational facilities
and infrastructure
available in the area.
This study aids in
identifying existing
resources and gaps in
educational facilities.
2. Needs Assessment:
Ardhi undertakes a
thorough needs
assessment to
determine the
requirements for the
proposed college
project. This
assessment focuses
on the specific
educational needs
and preferences of
the local community.
3. Specifications
Development: Ardhi
collaborates with
relevant stakeholders
to develop detailed
specifications for the
college construction
project. These
specifications outline
the essential features,
layout, and design of
the college, ensuring
that it aligns with the

requirements and
complies with
necessary standards.
4. Land Donation: Ardhi
seeks the
municipality’s support
in donating suitable
land for the
construction of the
college. This donation
is a critical factor in
ensuring the
feasibility and
implementation of
the project.
By presenting a well-
researched inventory study,
comprehensive needs
assessment, detailed
specifications, and requesting
land donation, Ardhi aims to
demonstrate the viability and
significance of the college
construction project to the
municipality. This
collaboration would
contribute to the
advancement of education in
the region and foster positive
development for the

2012-2014 Rural and solidarity tourism Ardhi engages in multiple
activities to achieve its goals,
such as:
1. Promotion and
Marketing Tools
Catalog: Ardhi develops
a comprehensive
catalog showcasing
various marketing tools
to promote itsinitiatives effectively.
2. Landscape Work and
Enhancement Plan:
The association works
on developing plans
to improve
landscapes and
enhance cultural
heritage, particularly
in rural areas.
3. Support for Guest
Houses in Rural Areas:
Ardhi facilitates the
establishment and
development of guest
houses in rural
regions to boost local
4. Communication and
Promotion: Ardhi
communication and
promotional activities
to raise awareness
about its initiatives
and engage with the
wider public.
5. Studies and Initiatives
for Unemployed
Graduates: Ardhi
conducts studies to
explore new
professions that can
among graduates and
initiates projects in
this regard.
6. Sharing International
Experiences: Ardhi
fosters the exchange
of knowledge and
experiences bysharing insights from
international sources
to enrich its own
practices and
2015-2017 Pedagogy at the university
and teacher training
Organization of the 1st
edition of the International
Citizen Forum for Education
at the Faculty of Medicine of
Sfax, Tunisia
2017-2019 Governance and quality of
educational systems
Organization of the 2 nd
edition of the International
Citizen Forum for Education
at the Lemdina Resorts,
Hammamet, Tunisia
10-19 april 2022 What education can: what

the learner can

Organization of the Pre-
forum, respectively, at the
University of Tunis El Manar,
the University of Sousse, and
the University of Monastir
4-5-6 november 2022 The learner at the center of
the education and university
Organization of the 3 rd
edition of the International
Citizen Forum for Education
at the Lemdina Resorts,
Hammamet, Tunisia
April 2024 The challenges of teacher
training and their
professional integration:
comparative approaches
Organization of the 4 th
edition of the International
Citizen Forum for Education
at the Faculty of Medicine of
Sousse, Tunisia

Ardhi has identified specific needs to further its initiatives:
Partnership with the State: Ardhi seeks to establish a formal partnership with the government to facilitate large-scale operations. This includes ongoing projects such as “Build Me the School of My Dreams" and the rural and solidarity tourism project "From Farm to Farm.” Additionally, Ardhi aims to collaborate with universities on research programs focused on water management, organic agriculture, sustainable architecture, and related fields.

Funding Acquisition: One of Ardhi’s primary requirements is to secure funding from the state or potential donors, including businesses, organizations, and individuals. This funding will support

the “Build Me the School of My Dreams" project, which aims to renovate and reconstruct schools in disrepair within rural areas of Tunisia.

By establishing a partnership with the government and securing financial support from state entities and potential donors, Ardhi endeavors to accomplish its objectives effectively, enhancing educational infrastructure and advancing sustainable initiatives in rural communities.

1. “Governance and Quality of Education Systems: Challenges and Prospects for Change”- A collective work published by Edition Apis in Quebec.
2. “Build Me the School of My Dreams!” – Summary report on the education system in Tunisia and rural areas.
3. “Shaping Your Territory, It Starts Here…” – Report on the landscape resources as a first step toward rural and solidarity tourism.

The Ardhi Team

The Ardhi team associates elected members with external volunteers, all driven by a shared vision to foster the development of our region, making it more inviting, vibrant, and progressive – a place that thrives with life!

Key members of the Ardhi Executive Office are as follows:

President: Ms. Imane Jarboui

General Secretary: Mr. Ibrahim Jrad

Treasurer: Mr. Hedi Jarboui

Assistant Treasurer: Mrs. Mariem Fourati

This dedicated team collaborates harmoniously to lead and support Ardhi's initiatives, striving to bring positive change and growth to the communities they serve.
Ardhi logo: explanatory description

Our logo beautifully encapsulates the essence of our association, Ardhi (أرضي), through Arabic calligraphy and imagery that reflects our core values and objectives of promoting sustainable rural development.

The breakdown of the logo is as follows:

The letter “أ” (alif) is ingeniously shaped as a tree, symbolizing growth and environmental harmony.

The letter “ض” (Dad) takes the form of a hill, representing the landscape and natural beauty of rural areas.

The letter “ر” (raa) creatively resembles a watercourse, highlighting the significance of water resources in our endeavors.

We have chosen two vibrant colors to further represent our mission:

Green, symbolizing lush greenery and sustainability.

Light yellow-green, reminiscent of the enchanting countryside in summer, connecting us with nature and tranquility.

Together, our logo signifies our commitment to fostering a thriving and environmentally conscious rural community, where sustainable development flourishes in harmony with the natural world.