Track description

The emergence of the concept of ATAWADAC (Any Time Any where Any Device Any Content), which stipulates the democratization of knowledge and the free management of learning according to the convenience of learners, has called into question the relevance of the teaching profession in a world governed by technological advances. In addition, the advent of social networks has encouraged informal learning. Faced with the digital revolution which amazes young people and stimulates their curiosity, the teacher cannot ignore its impact on the progression of knowledge and the revitalization of the class. To succeed in his mission, he will have to develop digital skills allowing him to manage both face-to-face and virtual classes. To what extent does initial and continuing training contribute to the development of digital skills, required for the smooth running of lessons? Faced with the panoply of open educational resources, how can the learner be directed towards reliable sources of information? How to encourage collaboration between learners in different learning contexts? How to adapt teaching practices for the benefit of quality learning? How to take advantage of digital devices to overcome spatiotemporal constraints? How to use digital tools to ensure inclusive education? How will the school continue to attract learners in the face of the multitude of platforms that offer attractive and accessible courses for all?

This axis will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of using digital technology in the classroom. It will shed light on the courses of action to be taken and the means to be deployed to use them in favor of learning.

Track themes

• Techno- pedagogy and innovative approaches in the classroom;

• Support for learners in the various learning systems;

• Teaching methods: face-to-face, remote, hybridity and co-modality;

• Teaching planning according to the different modalities;

• The issues and challenges of using digital technology.